

Center of Industrial Safety Registration Zone II (CISR) is a safety technical inspection organization under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). The Center is assigned by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to carry out the technical safety inspection for machines and equipment with strict requirements on occupational safety; Providing conformity assessment services for products and services; Safety training and job training; Inspection of causes of equipment breakdowns, occupational accidents,  and other specific tasks.

Established more than 20 years ago, CISR has been constantly building and developing; training to improve professional qualifications for inspectors; Invest in advanced and modern technical inspection and testing equipment; Develop and apply advanced inspection methods in accordance with international practices; Expand the network of facilities; Up to now, CISR has become one of the leading safety technical inspection organizations in Vietnam.

CISR is proud to be the first state-owned accrediting organization to apply the quality management system according to ISO 17020:2012 in the field of inspection; ISO 17025:2005 for equipment calibration and testing and ISO 9001:2015 for other services; Meeting the requirements of customers in general and especially customers in industrial fields with very strict requirements for safety such as oil and gas, aviation, chemicals.. Trust and confidence by customers.




CISR has full human resources, modern technical testing equipment and facilities nationwide, ensuring the effective, timely and quality service provision.

Established (1994)
Inspectors (+200)
(+8) Inspection Agency
Compliant with ISO 17020, ISO 17025
Client’s satisfaction
Independent organization
Objective assessment
Reliable services


Inspecting the causes of machine and equipment breakdowns serving the investigation of occupational accidents

Inspecting the causes of machine and equipment breakdowns serving the investigation of occupational accidents

Appraisal of labor safety measures in new projects or renovation using machinery and equipment with strict requirements on occupational safety

Appraisal of labor safety measures in new projects or renovation using machinery and equipment with strict requirements on occupational safety

Consultancy on risk assessment, assessment of occupational safety and health management system

Consultancy on risk assessment, assessment of occupational safety and health management system

Technical inspection of machine and equipment safety with strict safety requirements

Technical inspection of machine and equipment safety with strict safety requirements

Occupational safety training

Occupational safety training

Monitoring the labour environment

Monitoring the labour environment

Vocational training, training of inspectors, safety trainers

Vocational training, training of inspectors, safety trainers

Certificate of conformity with standards and regulations for products and services

Certificate of conformity with standards and regulations for products and services

Verification and calibration of measuring instruments, measuring standards

Verification and calibration of measuring instruments, measuring standards

Provide testing and inspection services

Provide testing and inspection services

Provide other technical services in the field of labour safety

Provide other technical services in the field of labour safety


CISR is committed to continuous self-improvement, constantly improving quality. Services of CISR must ensure independence, objectivity, reliability, compliance with the provisions of law and commitments to customers. Specific commitments include:

CISR is committed to continuous self-improvement, constantly improving quality. Services of CISR must ensure independence, objectivity, reliability, compliance with the provisions of law and commitments to customers. Specific commitments include:

  • Fully comply with the provisions of laws;
  • Maintaining the application of the quality management system according to international standards ISO/IEC 17020ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 9001:2015 in service provision;
  • Constantly perfecting and enhancing organizational culture, serving people, protecting nature;
  • Continuously train and improve professional quality and professional ethics for officials and employees;
  • Actively apply advanced inspection methods and quality management systems to improve service quality;
  • To step by step invest in expanding facilities and modern technical equipment suitable to the development of the region and the world in the field of conformity assessment;
  • Continuously improve customer satisfaction through understanding needs as well as meeting specific requirements.